Monday, January 28, 2008

Contact lenses and Haste

I woke up really early today, like 6am because of my week long meetings at the EU commission. I put on my contacts on the left eye. then unwittingly proceeded to put the other lens on the lvery same eye.

i was franctically looking for the other lens, until i realized that my vision in my left eye was still blurred . . .


am really not a morning person, my brain only manages to count sheep.


ETL said...

haha, has never happened to me, but i still could so relate! why not go get lasik done?

ETL said...

haha, hasn't happened to me but it still could so relate. why not go get lasik done? i swear, it's probably the next best thing to a new lease on life!

Don Miguel said...

scared. very scared. i know it's very safe, but i have an unreasonable fear of having some light zap my eyes.

ok na contacts. haha