Friday, March 14, 2008

32 more minutes . . .

and the driver will ring my doorbell, to bring me to the airport back to Manila.

My last day in Brussels was uberly hectic indeed. At 2 pm I still had to meet the director for international trade of brussel's chamber of commerce . . ., before that I was busy writing up memos and reports and info kits . . .

When we were on the way to the meeting, my colleague Marivic who was assisting me, stuck her key in the inside part of the key hole, and forgot about it. Now here, the doors have key holes from the inside and from the outside. If you lock the door with the key from the inside, no one can open it from the outside. Kablag! she went all pale. She asked for my key and tried to open the door. I almost got this close to swearing because all my documents and some important things are in my suitcase in my office. waaaaaaaaah, and I was to fly early the next morning.

Anyway, we called my other colleague Borj, who was out for lunch to go get the locksmith . . . aaaaaaaaaah panic panic paniccccc!!!!!! to make the long story short, and thank God indeed, we managed to have the door opened.

Up till around 6pm, i had this feeling. I guess you all know that gnawing feeling at the pit of your stomach that you forgot something? I guess i'll always be this unready everytime I travel, even if I've actually clocked lots and lotsa miles in my lifetime to date.

so now, i haven't slept a wink, even if I tried to, I couldn't. Instead I tried to pack my luggage and all that.

I'm changing now, the driver's almost here.


see ya!

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