Wednesday, September 17, 2008

And yet another weird British Reality TV Show

I was flipping through the Channels of the telly and i caught a wierd bunch of overweight people dressed in 18-19th century innergarmets marching around the estate of a huge English Manor, arms a flapping like penguins and I said WTF??!!!!!!!!!!!

You really have to hand it to the brits to come up with weird shows like these.  I mean really haha.

The Diets That Time Forgot

If you think diets are a recent invention, think again. In this unique historic experiment, nine volunteers spend 24 days testing the weight loss diets and fitness regimes that were popular in the late Victorian and Edwardian periods and the 'roaring' Twenties. 

This six-part series examines which plan works best. Is it the Banting diet, first published in 1863, the 'chew chew' diet of the early 1900s, or the first calorie counting Lulu diet, one of the best selling non-fiction publications of the 1920s?

Series guide
Preview episodes from the series

Diets from the past
The first diets in history?

Dieters' profiles
Get to know the volunteer slimmers

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