Saturday, November 01, 2008

The Pablo Banila Bandwagon hahaha

Brought to everyone's attention by my multiply pal, doc carlos (carabaopower), I really did not know anything about this Pablo Banila Person until today. Out of curiosity, I discovered that he has frequented my multiply site as well with his countless multiply accounts. 

This is hilarious really hahaha. A quick checking out of his website ( hints that he is some sort of a literary talent -slash- deviant and probably a student of Philippine Science High School in Quezon City.

Myriads of girls (and boys) have likewise been (stalked) by this Pablo Banila person and what is even more amazing is the fact that he has had more than 2 articles about him in our National Dailies. hahaha

I really don't mind him lurking in my site, after all, my entries are open for everyone in the worldwide web to visit.  he probably gets his kicks that way - either that or he's created some sort of a web crawler/phishing machine/ bot that can browse through multiply accounts over and over countless times per day.

here is the article that's come up in the inquirer about him. hahaha

Who in the world is Pablo Banila? 

By Bianca Consunji
Philippine Daily Inquirer

Last updated 20:36:00 10/31/2008

HE began as a series of mysterious avatars popping up on my Multiply viewing history. He didn’t bother me at first, because I was used to friendly strangers visiting my site. But when he began visiting on an almost daily basis—and under different usernames, although with the same avatar—I started to wonder who in the world was Pablo Banila.

Visits to his websites offered no clue. His avatar showed a creepy-looking guy with matted chin-length hair (think Severus Snape from Harry Potter) and a flashing sign that read, “Pablo Banila has a crush on you! That’s why he visited your website!”

That would have been almost flattering had I not already known that he had visited the websites of at least a hundred other people—all under different usernames and the same annoying avatar. He also has a dotcom,, but it offers no clues, only rambling passages of text and close-up photos of himself.

People started complaining. “Please get a life, you pervert,” wrote one girl in her blog, after listing down his many usernames—pablobanila, ppaabblloobanila, rainbowinmycoffee, carrotperfume, laughingmankuze, edwardward, blackbetweenthestars, theblackbetweenthestars, etc. People left similar comments on that entry, saying, “OMG he viewed me too!” or “He views mine too, it’s so creepy!”

Others chimed in, “He views me every other day, more often than I check my own Multiply site,” while guys posted nervous comments like, “He checks me out too, and I’m a boy.”

So far, his visits to sites have been harmless (all he does is view homepages; he doesn’t leave comments), but creepy—there’s just no other word for it. Attempts to discover his identity have so far been futile. But identity aside, what everyone wants to know is, how does he find time to check out all those Multiply pages?

Is Pablo Banila actually a team of high school kids with nothing better to do?

Is Pablo Banila actually a group of college students doing a psychology research project for their thesis?

Is Pablo Banila a new Internet virus?

Is Pablo Banila actually just the government looking for suspected terrorists by combing through the pages of unsuspecting Multiply users?

Is Pablo Banila merely the victim of pranksters who are out to get him?

Or is Pablo Banila just really a sad person with no friends and nothing better to do?

In any case, Multiply users are waiting for an answer. But until then, Pablo Banila continues to stalk our websites—and our nightmares.

E-mail the author at



miguel8088 wrote today at 7:08 PM
hahah Genius, hats off to you Pablo Banila, great execution of a social experiment, well thought of indeed hahaha.
miguel8088 wrote today at 7:07 PM
aha! and I think Pablo Banila does make sense in this retort after all, haha I lifted this in another multiply blog entry where he's replied. hahahaha

edwardward wrote on Sep 27
As I have patiently cleared before, again and again: I am exploiting the concept of a "viewing history" as a problem of function.

Public domain is public domain. If they feel harassed in any way it was because I keep exercising my right to view their public profile, AND they harbor an irrational fear and irritation against my scarecrow headshot LOL founded by a notoriety based on a shallow social validation. People read about accusations, libels, and death threats against me written in my very guestbook. As the "wisdom of crowds" would send lemmings to their final swimming lesson so does it lead human beings into biases. I am hated in exactly the same way other human beings discriminate Blacks, Muslims, and homosexuals.

Interestingly, most of my most passionate haters honestly believed that I had a crush on them until I opened up a guestbook. They found out it wasn't only them. Most of them are kids who are not allowed to have a Multiply account in the first place.

Wait until EVERYBODY exploits this method of "advertising" (: It turns out I'm the first one to execute a classic prank in a Biblical scale (100 million accounts viewed, worldwide).

~Pablo Banila
is the next Slavoj Zizek
miguel8088 wrote today at 6:52 PM, edited today at 6:53 PM
here's a reply i posted in one of frighteningly numerous blog entriess about mr. banila:

miguel8088 wrote today at 6:49 PM

Right on hhahhaha. after all the none of these people whom he allegedly stalked have their accounts set at limited viewing only by private contacts. Ergo: it's a free world. As far as i know, pablo banila, annoying as it may seem, has not committed any crime. if he adds you up, you always have the choice to ignore him. if you're freaked out because he's lurking at your postings (that's free for the entire world to view anyway), then maybe you should restrict access to your posts. just a thought hehe. 

this guy, is a deviant, I guess, but hey, that's his personal choice after all.

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