1. A sore loser is someone who loses in a fair competition but whines about it on a constant basis, blaming everyone around them for their loss except themselves. Fun to taunt, but no fun to play with.
"Stop throwing chess pieces at me, ya damn sore loser!"
2. Someone who can't simply be honorable, by accepting defeat and/or trying again. On the contrary, said individual or group engages in childish pissing and moaning; bitching about how it's not fair and the other side cheated, etc.
Al Gore, Cynthia McKinney and John Kerry are all prime examples of winners. You won't find a single sore loser in that jolly little group!
3. A sore loser is somebody whose hand falls asleep when they're jackin off
ure a sore loser, you son of a balut!
(disclaimer: random picture, no relation to post, hehe)
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