Friday, May 16, 2008

Don Miguel's photo of "Benefits Supervisor at the Park"

In relation to that recently very famous bigger than life-sized painting of that rather big Benefits Supervisor*, Don Miguel searched high and low, and searched every Avenue and Rue in Brussels to find himself a model for Benefits Supervisor at the Park, in the hopes that his photograph of the "same" Benefits Supervisor, now fully dressed this time, will fetch him even just a fraction of that whopping $33.6 million paid for that other artwork.

*"Benefits Supervisor Sleeping," a life-sized painting of a rather obese woman — in real life, she is a job-centre supervisor (whatever that means) named Sue Tilley — asleep on a couch. Painted by Lucien Freud (grandson of that other Freud), it sold at auction this week for $33.6-million, a new record price for the work of a living artist.

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