1) I got bitten by our dog when I was like 5 years old, because my cousin and I were playing scarecrow and we were putting dried grass on the poor dog's head. Many weeks or months after, I succintly remember, that that same dog died in a rabid attack, foaming mouth and all. I din't tell my folks I got bitten by that particular dog and I was never treated, and to this day, I have this hidden fear at the back of my head, that I might foam in the mouth one of these days.
2) Am a child arsonist. When I was 8, I almost burned down the entire servant's quarters/storage behind our main house and only found about it the next day, when two sides of its wall were already in ashes. My dad said it was faulty wiring but I was too scared to death to tell him the truth.
3) One day, when I was about 9, my gradeschool classmates and I did not have class because our teacher was absent or something, and we ended up playing by the high school building of my old school. The other kids decided to play with the school bell (which during that time was a traditional bell with a string and all) trying their best to ring the bell with a controlled pulse that only we could hear it. Then it was my turn, but since I'm pretty bad with my reflexes, I rang the bell once but ever soooo loudly. It was only 15 minutes into the hour since classes for that period started but all of a sudden I saw the stairway being filled with descending high school students -- they were being dismissed because of my bell ring.
4) We were playing baseball when I was in 4th grade and It was my turn at the bat. I hit the ball on first try and started to run as wild as I can for first base, I was soooo feeling the moment and was probably thinking that I must have been so fast, because I was running a homerun without as much as a challenge. Then when I just passed third base, I realized, everybody was huddling over my classmate Eduardo. He had a black-eye. I unwittingly threw the bat too high behind me, when I hit the ball and the handle landed right smack into his right eye. It was the blackest black eye that I have ever seen, even to this day. Horrified, I quit the game and volunteered to bring him to the clinic. Instead, I brought him to the cafeteria and bought him, about half a gallon of ice-cream, I think. I left him eating happily, black-eye and all - I rushed to find the driver and wanted to go home right away.
5) When we were in grade two, my classmate Gary had a stupid idea of playing gang-rape. He was our gang leader that day and he led us five boys to pursue Jasmin, one of our girl classmates who then happened to pass by. We chased Jasmin, all 5 of us, from one end of the football field to the other, drizzle and all. We finally caught up with her and restrained her playfully upon Gary's orders. Gary started to play-kiss and play-harrass Jasmin and I remember Jasmin was spitting at Gary, while trying to get herself loose from our clutches. The next day, we 5 boys were called to the principal's office and reprimanded, luckily, she decided not to have our parents called. Then just a couple of years ago, I found out through friendster that Gary, this Gary is now Gizielle, a full-fledged woman, living in London. :D
6) My childhood friends and my sister and I used to go around our yard looking for precious stones. We found some pyrite rocks (fool's gold) and we were seriously thinking that we struck it rich. Seriously though, we found some really interesting stones, some even had fossilized shells on them. :D
7) When I was in 1st year high, i noticed that I started not to clearly see what was being written by the teacher on the board during class. As a kid, my folks always scolded me not to read in the dark or while lying down or I'd be grounded or have my allowance cut off or worse if I had to have glasses prescribed. . . . ( I was a voracious reader back then, aka nerd - hardy boys, bobbsey twins, choose your own adventure books . . .) I borrowed a classmate's old pair of specs to cope and only told my mom about a year after when my eyesight grade obviously went up. I came up to her armed with an encyclopedia volume that showed that myopia is hereditary after-all. Mom, it ain't my fault, it's your genes!
8) I studied Latin for four years in High School, but I still can't speak it straight.
9) During study hall, in my old high school, (we were made to study for about 2 hours in study hall every evening), I usually read books from the library instead of studying for the next day's classes.
10) I was a child hypochondriac. When I was like 8, I used to read up from encyclopedias in my parents' library about diseases and maladies in some part of the anatomy where I was feeling pain or discomfort at the moment. Then I'd worry myself sick, until I couldn't take it anymore, I'd run to my mom and say, I think I'm dying!!!!!!!
11) I couldn't speak tagalog fluently when I moved to Manila for college. Luckily I learned it fast, without the funny ilonggo accent. I also learned Cebuano and Kapampangan from my dorm mates at the La Salle dorm, by the time I graduated.
12) My last two terms in college had very light load because I was a shiftee. I had only like six units per term. So I was partying almost every night, or what my allowance could afford me.
13) I was reed thin, all my life all the way up to two years after my college graduation. I used to wear denim cut-off shorts under my pants just so I wouldn't end up looking like a scarecrow. Many of my childhood friends in Roxas City where am from, don't recognize me anymore -- in the mall, on the streets, on the beach. . . . .
14) I think the beer and chocolates and fresh milk and tomato juice changed the whole scenario (number 11). Now I have a weight problem.
15) I am from Capiz. Roxas City, Capiz in the Philippines. Born and Bred. When they ask me about vampire legends from my province, I always say it's true. I tell them further that my family's ascendants come from Transylvannia by way of Spain. :P
16) I went to law school for a year, and I don't regret that I dropped out after a year.
17) I bought my first car in Manila from my own money, the first year I worked after law school. It was a red toyota corolla named Maverick. I wonder where it is now.
18) I worked as Assistant Manager for a day at Hyundai Construction and Development Corporation for a day and quit that same afternoon, because San Miguel finally called me that I got the job. And besides, the GM of Hyundai Construction at that time was an idiot, he shaved off a couple of thousand bucks off my agreed salary on my first day of work, contrary to what was indicated in my offer sheet which I accepted. I think I got him into trouble with the top bosses in Korea, because he was calling me daily for two weeks, begging me to come back. ( I did not understand how he became GM then, because his background was an English teacher with
17) I can speak fluent Spanish and some Decent French, Italian and Portuguese and Catalan by some stroke of freakdom, I think the high school latin helped after all.
18) The first brand new car I ever bought for myself just last year is a Volvo s60 that I named Thorr the Viking.
19) I have moved houses/apartments about 5 or 6 times already and I swear not to do it anymore everytime. I'm moving to London from Brussels next month.
20) I am an avid photo-hobbyist. I haven't ever studied photography, but I have been told I've managed to shoot some good ones :D
21) I almost died during the first 2 months of school as a post graduate business student in Spain because I couldn't catch a word of what my mile-a-minute professors were saying during lectures in Spanish (Spanish was our only medium of instruction). After two months though, I was joking and arguing with the rest of them, like a Spaniard. :D Even if we kinda spoke it at home with the grand folks, their spanish was spoken very slowly and with
22) On my third day in Spain, and in Europe for that matter, as a student, back in 2002, on my way from Madrid to Alicante, where my University was, I got pickpocketed in the train station. They got my entire 5 month's worth of allowance, including rent deposit. Luckily, they were mostly in travellers' checks and some 15 one dollar bills for change. I did not dare tell my folks for two weeks ( I still had about 400 dollars in my other wallet) until I got my refund back at a profit because of the suddenly excellent exchange rate at that time. (The dollar was still neck and neck with the euro)
23) I love cheese, all kinds. well, almost.
24) I can cook perfect rice, without a rice cooker, and nobody taught me how. I still dunno how i figured it out.
25) I make a mean mediterranean salad, I have thereafter named after my monicker, "Don Miguel il Signorino's Mediterranean Salad"
26) I was in Mexico City for business for about two months, and hated it.
27) I skype with my mom and dad, almost everyday.
28) Ooops, I just realized I'm over 25 things.
29) If you got this far, well thank you for wasting your time with my utter nonsense.
30) i think it took me a couple of hours writing this nonsense.
1 comment:
weh, gang rapist ka sang bata pa??? waaaaaaaaaahhh
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